Most urbanization over the past 50 years has been accommodated through informal settlement in cities of the global South. Housing at least a billion people, most such settlements have become permanent neighbourhoods of these cities. This project is a study of the morphology and morphogenesis of informal settlement - the forms through which urban informality emerges, infiltrates and insinuates itself into and around the formal city. It is also a study of the many ways such settlements become upgraded over time.
Dovey, K. (2016) Urban Design Thinking, London: Bloomsbury . ch. 26.
Dovey, K., Shafique, T., van Oostrum, M. & Chatterjee, I. 'Informal Settlement is Not a Euphemism for 'Slum' (under review)
Dovey, K., van Oostrum, M., Chatterjee, I. & Shafique, T. ' Towards A Morphogenesis of Informal Settlement' (under review)
Kamalipour, H. & Dovey, K. 'Incremental Production of Urban Space: A typology of informal design' (under review)
O’Brien, D, Carrasco, S. & Dovey, K. ‘Incremental Housing: Harnessing Informality at Villa Verde’ (under review)
Dovey, K., Cook, B. & Achmadi, A. (2019) 'Contested Riverscapes in Jakarta: Flooding, forced eviction and urban image', Space and Polity.
Kamalipour, H. & Dovey, K. (2019) ‘Mapping the Visibility of Informal Settlements’, Habitat International, 85, 63-75.
Dovey, K. & Kamalipour, H. (2018) 'Informal/Formal Morphologies', in: Dovey, et al. (eds) Mapping Urbanities, New York: Routledge, pp. 223-44.
Kamalipour, H. & Dovey, K. (2018) 'Incremental Urbanisms', in: Dovey, et al. (eds) Mapping Urbanities, New York: Routledge, pp.249-68.
Dovey, K. (2018) ‘Transforming Informal settlements’, Pursuit, University of Melbourne, Sept 9.
Dovey, K. (2017) 'The Everyday Informal', The Architect (in Mandarin), 184, pp.10-15.
Dovey, K. (2015) ‘Sustainable Informal Settlements?’ Procedia, 197, 5-13.
Owen, C., Dovey, K. & Raharjo, W. (2013) ‘Teaching Informal Urbanism: Simulating Informal Settlement Practices in the Design Studio’, Journal of Architectural Education, 67 (2) 214-223
King, R. & Dovey, K. (2013) ‘Interstitial Metamorphoses: Informal urbanism and the tourist gaze’, Environment & Planning D: Society and Space 31(6) 1022 – 1040.
Dovey, K. & Tomlinson, R. (2012) Dharavi: Informal Settlements and Slum Upgrading, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Research Report.
Dovey, K. (2012) ‘Informal Settlement and Complex Adaptive Assemblage’, International Development Planning Review, 34 (3) 371-90.
Dovey, K. & King, R. (2012) ‘Informal Urbanism and the Taste for Slums’, Tourism Geographies, 14 (2) 275-93.
Dovey, K. & King, R. (2011) ‘Forms of Informality: Morphology and Visibility of Informal Settlements’, Built Environment 37 (1), pp.11-29.